Be Yourself

Jessica Smith

Fashion designer & founder
Hi there! My name is Jessica, and fashion design is one of my passions in life. I strive for a fashion brand that inspires elegance in everyday life. Since I launched my first season collection, I’ve always wanted to move forward. I spent a few years traveling the world with my parents, who are fashion designers, and learning the ins and outs of the industry by watching them work. During that time I learnt that fashion needs to be not only beautiful, but also usable. Today my philosophy is built into every piece I create — I never sacrifice durability for beauty.

Contact Us

Provide the information about how customers can reach you with questions or feedback and the physical location where your goods can be purchased or ordered.
Our address
5th Ave, NY, 10001, USA
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Open hours
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM